Are there any limits on my access to material in the Archives?

In general, all archives strive to be as open with our records as possible - and Bentley is no exception! There are a few cases, however, where access to material may be limited. First, many of our items are quite old and may be in fragile condition. We will always try to provide access to a fragile item, but there may be cases where we have to provide a digital surrogate (a photograph or scan) because the item cannot be handled. 

Privacy concerns, and the protection of personally identifying information are also important to the Archives. We abide by all FERPA restrictions with regard to material concerning students. We also generally restrict the records of an office/department for 35 years from the date of creation to protect information that may still be current. Some material within these collections may be publicly available if it is not considered sensitive.

A staff member will always be willing to discuss these restrictions with you to ensure that we can keep material safe and secure while still providing you with all of the information you need. 



  • Last Updated Nov 09, 2022
  • Views 203
  • Answered By Adam Schutzman

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