Answered By: Kimberly Morin
Last Updated: Sep 30, 2024     Views: 123

Hoover's Company Profiles are available online as a collection and through Nexis Uni.

To access as a collection:

  1. Click on Hoover's Company Profiles. (Also available on Databases A-Z page)
  2. Hoover's Company Profiles is part of Business Market Research Collection. By default, your search will be limited to Hoover's Company Profiles content only.
  3. Run a search for a specific company.

To access through Nexis Uni:

  1. Click on Nexis Uni.
  2. In the upper left corner, expand Menu and choose All Sources.
  3. Search Hoover's and click on the desired Hoover's report and add source as a search filter.
  4. Run the search for a specific company.