The Bentley Library has lots of investment titles available. A search for Invest* in Library Search (limited to Catalog) results in over 35,000+ books & videos so there is a wealth of titles available.
A suggested keyword search might look like...
(Investing OR investments) AND (101 OR introduction Or handbooks)
My suggestions are:
1. Investments : an introduction by Herbert B. Mayo as a good basic book on investing (it was published in 2014 but it still is very comprehensive). It is available in the Library's Reference Collection. A scanner is available to obtain excerpts of this book.
2. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham which the library has multiple editions and formats of.
Don't hesitate to reach out to your professors for additional recommendations/suggestions of authors/titles to consult, then use our Library Search to find and access these sources.
Contact the Reference Desk and/or the Trading Room for further assistance.
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