Answered By: Macee Damon
Last Updated: Jul 05, 2024     Views: 66

Our list of library databases for history topics contains databases where you can find primary source materials, including the following:

Accessible Archives: Early Historical Publications

Early American Imprints, Series 1: Evans, 1639-1800 (Readex)

Early American Newspapers 1690-1900 (Readex)

Biography in Context

US History in Context

New York Times Historical 1851-2020 (ProQuest)

Wall Street Journal Historical 1889-2012 (ProQuest)


Some national resources that may be helpful:
Library of Congress: Digital Collections
National Archives and Museum
Smithsonian Museums, including the National Portrait Gallery and others

Also, try searching state-related websites where a person was from or where a historical event took place, such as historical societies, state libraries, state archives or museums. For example, if you are searching for primary sources related to Massachusetts people or historical events, the following sites may be helpful:

Digital Commonwealth: Massachusetts Collections Online
Massachusetts Historical Society
State Library of Massachusetts
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston